
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Chat with Nubank Engineers. Wait, do they use Clojure?

During our last session of the Programming Languages class we were able to chat with  Alexander Aldazabal and Eddú Meléndez, both software engineers at Nubank Mexico. Throughout the conversation, both of the engineers shared with us a lot of information regarding both, what is as well as how does it feels to work at Nu, in addition to the technological stack that characterizes the company.  Thus, in this entry, I will display a brief summary of their presentation: Starting with what Alex presented to us: As an introduction, to Nubank's culture, he mentioned that Nubank is generally misunderstood as a financial company. Nonetheless, Alex stated that Nu was founded and still is a software company whose current solutions are helping the financial market.  He also highlighted  the freedom and autonomy that not only you, but the entire engineering team have at the moment of developing new features or products. In addition, he stated that these groups are not made by people who knows or

Chat with Russ Olsen

Personally, it was a long ago since I had the pleasure to met the author of a book in person and I have never met the writer of any technical book. After this conversation with Russ Olsen, I must say that I'm very fortunate to be one of the persons who have had the chance to share the same, although digital, space as this programmer and for having Russ as the first of its kind.  Although we only shared with him an hour of the class, he had the chance to talked us about a bunch of things, technical and personal alike. I would love to summarize every one of them since I personally think that every word that was shared has a unique value. Nonetheless, as one of the focal pintos that he mentioned, simplicity is key and in order to keep it within this post, I will only highlight those aspects that I found more interesting in three sections: 1. About his life:  Hobbies are everything and, as he hinted, they somehow help us to achieve better opportunities as well as to prepare us for new