The semicolon wars or an engineering approach to communities?

Hayes, B. presents in his article: The Semicolon Wars (2006) [1] the forgotten relation between social and computer science's in such a relatable fashion that makes any developer, anthropologist, sociologist or philosopher take a laugh. But, how can these fields of study be linked? As you can assume from the title of this entry, the term community plays an important role in the understanding and interpretation of this article (not for nothing does the author explores this phenomenon the most throughout the lecture), and yet is discussed from a misconceived notion of the word. 

In order to create an objective critique, lets start with the basics. A community is defined as:

...the feeling and set of relationships among people[2]

This implies that a community is not an idea, medium of interaction nor a programming language user base, but the homogeneous connection generated among species. Within the article, it is hinted that the identity feeling driven from using a specific technology is the main group-creation factor within the computational contextmisunderstanding entirely the faction-oriented definition previously presented. Furthermore, it is explicitly stated that personal preferences among developers are enough justification to create, in addition to denounce, different programmable solutions. If these ideas were valid in a sociological scene, then there wouldn't be enough arguments to stop someone to intimidate and exterminate a contrasting civilization in order to establish an ideological superiority... this sounds historically familiar. Although these ideas may seem overemphasized, are the similarities in the technological with these ambitions that embrace this discussion. Programmers are not a sub-specie of a human being. As humans, our communities are created not because we embrace our immediate similarities, but because we joyfully criticize and judge our more intrinsic distinctions. [3] And it is in that hatred-driven evaluation where egocentric and individualist paradigms affect the development and prosperity of our industry. 

As a conclusion, it is kind of dangerous to approach programming languages as communities without explaining how should a community be understood. Personally, I think that a more unhuman-related approach was hinted in a clever way since it was stated that, in the technological context, a language is made not for its capacities but for the people that uses it. But that is not a community, is a group of people who supports and gives life to the programming paradigm using a specific terminology.  Sometimes, as programmers, we forget the impact of our opinions or we tend to justified based on the industry. Nevertheless, we are and will always be humans with the inhuman capacity to love each other as long as they work, think and feel as ourselves. 


1. Hayes, B. (2006). The Semicolon Wars. American Scientist the magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, Volume 94, 299-303.

2.David M. Chavis & Kien Lee . (2015). What Is Community Anyway?. august 17, 2021, from Stanford University Web Site:

3. Community and Diversity. (1998). august 17, 2021, from The rural life center Web site:


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